The Voice


Greater Fort Wayne Inc. is committed to helping Fort Wayne businesses grow and succeed–and sometimes, this requires political action. Enter Melissa Beber.

Beber, the Director of Business Advocacy at Greater Fort Wayne Inc., is a registered lobbyist whose job is to make the Statehouse work for area businesses.


“I help our investors navigate government,” she said. “Whether it’s doing something small like getting them through to a specific agency, to advocating and lobbying for a bigger issue that makes doing business easier.”

And she’s been busy. Outside of working closely with a number of local investors to solve individual problems, these bigger issues have included changing legislation to pave the way for development downtown.


For example: legislative ambiguity was slowing the creation of a downtown dining district; Beber worked to clarify the language on the law in question.

“And now that we have that clarification we can get up and running, which will be great for riverfront development,” she said.

Beber is not alone. Lobbyists from all over the region partner together to get things done for area businesses. From rallying around core issues to supporting individual needs, the region is a force to be reckoned with.

“Northeast Indiana is a powerhouse down at the Statehouse because of how well our delegation works together,” Beber said.

In the off seasons–that is, when sessions are over in Indianapolis–Beber spends her time meeting with stakeholders and investors, listening to their needs and formulating the next year’s policy agenda. She’s hard at work on these tasks, discovering new ways to improve the business climate in Fort Wayne before the next session begins.

“I really love the strategy,” she confessed. “Coming up with the issues that we have and figuring out how we’re going to get [them] fixed.” 

So what does Beber want investors to know? That they’re not alone when it comes to addressing issues that affect their business. “[Greater Fort Wayne Inc.] has an advocacy department, and we’re here to help them,” Beber said. “That’s what I’m here for.” Ultimately, she says, her job description comes down to this: “Make it easier for businesses to do business.”

Now there’s a purpose worth rallying behind.



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